Country Home Creations Italian Bread Dipping Mix — Studio 24E - Individual Style...

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21 East Main Street
Thurmont, MD, 21788
United States


Studio 24E a lifestyle boutique and custom framing located in Thurmont, just outside Frederick Maryland. Product lines such as jewelry, fashion accessories, art, clothing, home décor, and services such as custom picture framing and makeup artist services are just a few things you will find here.

Country Home Creations Italian Bread Dipping Mix

Food & Drinks

Country Home Creations Italian Bread Dipping Mix

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Country Home Creations Italian Bread Dipping Mix


Italian Bread Dipping Mix is an Italian seasoning blend that is a great start to any meal! It combines garlic, rosemary, and several other herbs and spices to give you a bold flavor that makes a perfect start to any Italian meal or complement to your favorite wine. Each packet makes several batches! This blend can also be used to season your potatoes and vegetables with a little olive oil.

  • All Natural

  • Gluten-Free

  • No MSG

  • Vegan

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Hot Spinach Cheddar Dip

Hot Spinach Cheddar Dip


  • 1 packet Spinach Dip Mix

  • 8 oz. sour cream

  • 8 oz. cream cheese

  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese, mild or sharp


In a medium glass bowl, place all ingredients and mix well. Microwave on high for 2 minutes; stir; microwave 2 more minutes; stir to blend completely. Microwave for an additional minute or until cheese melts and mixture is hot. Stir and serve warm. Serve with tortilla chips, crackers, carrot sticks or other vegetable dippers.


Slow Cooker Method:

Place above ingredients into a slow cooker in this order:
1) packet of Spinach Dip Mix
2) sour cream
3) cream cheese
4) shredded cheese

Place lid on slow cooker, set on high and allow cream cheese to soften. Mix well and place lid back on slow cooker until dip is heated completely. Remove lid, turn down to low heat and serve.

Spinach Roll-Ups

Spinach Roll-Ups


  • 1 packet Spinach Dip Mix

  • 1 cup mayonnaise

  • 1 cup sour cream

  • 3 green onions, sliced

  • 1 cup water chestnuts, chopped & drained

  • 8 oz. bacon, cooked & crumbled or 1/2 cup real bacon bits

  • 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese, mild or sharp

  • 10 large flour tortillas

Mix all ingredients. Spread onto tortilla shells. Roll the tortillas, cover with plastic wrap, and chill overnight. Slice each roll into 1-inch pieces. Makes 10 or more servings.