AROMATIQUE Smoked Vanilla & Santal Reed Diffuser Set — Studio 24E - Individual Style...

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21 East Main Street
Thurmont, MD, 21788
United States


Studio 24E a lifestyle boutique and custom framing located in Thurmont, just outside Frederick Maryland. Product lines such as jewelry, fashion accessories, art, clothing, home décor, and services such as custom picture framing and makeup artist services are just a few things you will find here.

AROMATIQUE Smoked Vanilla & Santal Reed Diffuser Set

Home Fragrance

AROMATIQUE Smoked Vanilla & Santal Reed Diffuser Set

AROMATIQUE Smoked Vanilla & Santal Reed Diffuser Set


Smoked Vanilla & Santal takes inspiration from the natural beauty of a cool and crisp evening, where the scent of blossoming trees mingles with the warm and fiery embers of a campfire. This fragrance captures the essence of this experience and transforms it into a cozy and welcoming aroma. The rich and creamy aroma of smoky vanilla blends perfectly with the earthy and woody scent of santal, creating a fragrance that is both inviting and warm.

Fragrance Notes: Smokey Vanilla, Orange Blossom, Cream, Oud Wood

Directions: Place diffuser bottle on a flat surface. Insert reeds. Let oil absorb for 6-12 hours. To maximize fragrance, invert reeds as needed. Replace reeds as necessary.

Textured Glass Bottle w/ Diffuser Oil, 8” Reeds; 5 fl oz

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About Aromatique

Aromatique, The Creator of Decorative Fragrance®, is situated in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains between the sparkling waters of Greers Ferry Lake and the Little Red River. It is born from a single inspired idea of Aromatique’s founder, Patti Upton. In its purest form, Patti’s vision was combining the senses of sight and smell to make great fragrances beautiful. By combining high-end fragrances with artfully arranged botanicals, these decorative fragrance products are valued in the home as well as for gifts. This singular idea not only gave birth to Patti’s first product, The Smell of Christmas®, and to her company, Aromatique, Inc.®, but also to an entirely new industry, the Decorative Fragrance Industry. It can be argued that the vast majority of all the home fragrance brands that exist today are tied to the vision of Patti Upton and the success of Aromatique. Today continuing its fragrance legacy, Aromatique is a brand respected throughout the industry and sought after by some of the finest retailers in the world.


Being a family owned company, we concentrate on creating a path to memories near and far. We focus on togetherness and reflect art and innovation in our day to day practices; purposely expanding ways to experience fragrance.


We operate across the United States, from Arkansas to New York manufacturing all categories of home fragrance, celebrating the tradition and passion of hand-crafted artisanship. We are based on the thought that fragrance and art are one in the same and that a meticulously developed fragrance can rejuvenate the soul.