Aromatique The Smell of Christmas Decorative Fragrance 7oz — Studio 24E - Individual Style...

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21 East Main Street
Thurmont, MD, 21788
United States


Studio 24E a lifestyle boutique and custom framing located in Thurmont, just outside Frederick Maryland. Product lines such as jewelry, fashion accessories, art, clothing, home décor, and services such as custom picture framing and makeup artist services are just a few things you will find here.

Aromatique The Smell of Christmas Decorative Fragrance 7oz

Home Fragrance

Aromatique The Smell of Christmas Decorative Fragrance 7oz

Aromatique The Smell of Christmas Decorative Fragrance 7oz


The Smell of Christmas Decorative Fragrance is the ideal fragrance in any space. The Standard Bag is our iconic Decorative Fragrance Style. Using pinecones, hickory nuts, and cinnamon sticks, this decorative fragrance adds a warm, comforting touch to any space. The Smell of Christmas instantly refreshes a room with the captivating fragrance of citrus and spice with a warm blend of natural botanicals.

Directions: Open bag from the bottom to allow contents to release into the container of your choice. Arrange botanicals to be displayed on the surface as needed. *Note: Our decorative fragrance performs better than other potpourris on the market because we utilize highly fragranced wood chips and other carriers that allow our fragrances to stay fresher longer. These types of porous materials also allow the fragrance to be released into the air for maximum strength, leading you to the best experience possible.

Fragrance Notes: Clove, Orange, Cinnamon, Spice, Wood.

Details: Use Time: Up to 4 weeks; 7 oz; 5.5"W x 4"D x 7"H

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