Costes La Suite Hotel Costes Vol.2 — Studio 24E - Individual Style...

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21 East Main Street
Thurmont, MD, 21788
United States


Studio 24E a lifestyle boutique and custom framing located in Thurmont, just outside Frederick Maryland. Product lines such as jewelry, fashion accessories, art, clothing, home décor, and services such as custom picture framing and makeup artist services are just a few things you will find here.


Costes La Suite Hotel Costes Vol.2


Costes La Suite Hotel Costes Vol.2


1999 release, French DJ/Artist St‚phane Pompougnac's second installment in this popular series featuring the best tracks heard at France's premiere club, bar and cafe. The Hotel Costes series serves as a ''tastemaker'' (read: trendsetting) for the rest of the world. His penchant for choosing the very best music for this series burns bright as he incorporates tracks on this outing from De-Phazz, Pink Martini, Mo' Horizons, I:Cube and others. Feel free to luxuriate with the sounds and splendor of the most relaxing place in Paris with the upper crust. The ''C“stes'' brand is forever linked with the ultimate in quality and is renowned with patrons as the home of luxury in Paris. After all, the overriding theme is ''all things in excess.''

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Track Listings

1. To Ulrike M. ( Zero 7 Mix )

2. Jazz Music

3. Sympathique

4. Flyin Away

5. Lizzie's Balloon

6. Palais Mascotte

7. Adore

8. Carnaval De Sao Vicente

9. You Are Love ( Jay's Afrotonic Vocal )

10. Salvation Live

11. Get A Move On

12. Night Over Manaus

13. Assassin, Act I

14. Sorry Sorry ( Pld School Afro Dub )

15. Guess I Was A Fool ( Mj Cool Mix )