Country Home Creations Horseradish & Bacon Dip Mix — Studio 24E - Individual Style...

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21 East Main Street
Thurmont, MD, 21788
United States


Studio 24E a lifestyle boutique and custom framing located in Thurmont, just outside Frederick Maryland. Product lines such as jewelry, fashion accessories, art, clothing, home décor, and services such as custom picture framing and makeup artist services are just a few things you will find here.

Country Home Creations Horseradish & Bacon Dip Mix

Food & Drinks

Country Home Creations Horseradish & Bacon Dip Mix

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Country Home Creations Horseradish & Bacon Dip Mix


The perfect, crowd-pleasing horseradish bacon dip that is perfect for game day, parties or family gatherings. With its zesty and fresh flavors, it is the perfect complement to sandwiches, crackers and veggies. The smoky bacon adds an extra layer of deliciousness.

  • Vegan

  • Contains: soy, wheat, sulfites 

Recipes: (See Additional Info)

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Horseradish & Bacon Cheeseball

Horseradish & Bacon Cheeseball


  • 1 packet Horseradish & Bacon Dip Mix

  • 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese

  • 8 oz. cream cheese

  • 2 Tablespoons milk


Place softened cream cheese and 1 packet of spices in mixing bowl. Mix well (a fork will be your best friend), then add shredded cheese and milk. Shape into a ball or log (may also add ground nuts, parsley flakes, paprika, or crushed potato chips). Cover with plastic wrap and chill overnight or for a minimum of 4 hours. Serve with crackers, chips, or veggies!