Sterling Silver Hammered Open Band Ring Sterling Forever — Studio 24E - Individual Style...

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21 East Main Street
Thurmont, MD, 21788
United States


Studio 24E a lifestyle boutique and custom framing located in Thurmont, just outside Frederick Maryland. Product lines such as jewelry, fashion accessories, art, clothing, home décor, and services such as custom picture framing and makeup artist services are just a few things you will find here.

Sterling Silver Hammered Open Band Ring Sterling Forever

Fine Jewelry

Shop fine jewelry at select from fine rings, necklaces, bracelets, and more from designers like Charriol, Rodrigo Otazu, Angélique de Paris, Sterling Forever in gold, sterling silver, rose gold, and more.

Sterling Silver Hammered Open Band Ring Sterling Forever

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Sterling Silver Hammered Open Band Ring Sterling Forever


Tired of the same old rings? This unique sterling silver hammered open band ring is asymmetrical and bold -- perfect for anyone who loves standing out.

Materials: Gold Vermeil

Features: 4mm width, Lead & Nickel free, open band allows for minor adjustments

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