Studio 24E - Individual Style... Gift Boutique and Custom Framing

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21 East Main Street
Thurmont, MD, 21788
United States


Studio 24E a lifestyle boutique and custom framing located in Thurmont, just outside Frederick Maryland. Product lines such as jewelry, fashion accessories, art, clothing, home décor, and services such as custom picture framing and makeup artist services are just a few things you will find here.

Studio 24E Gift Shop & Custom Picture Framing

Designer Boutique, Gifts, Makeup Artist Services, and Custom Picture Framing located in Thurmont Maryland. Jewelry designs by Rodrigo Otazu, Wind and Fire, Charriol, Angelique de Paris, and Fashion Accessories by Simply Southern, Puppie Love Tom Ford, Versace, Gucci, Tory Burch, Michael Kors, Coach. Shoes by OneSole, OkaB. Home Fragrances by Aromatique, Tussie Mussies, and Khus Khus skincare.

Studio 24E Gift Shop & Custom Picture Framing
Studio 24E Gift Shop & Custom Picture Framing

Gift Boutique and Custom Framing

Michael Kors

Shop the collection now.

Thanks for finding us, we’re so glad you’re here. Studio 24E is a small, local business located in Thurmont Maryland in Frederick County that has been in business since 2002. We carry well know brands such as Charriol, Simply Southern, Aromatique, Versace, Tom Ford, Coach, Michael Kors, Emilio Pucci, Puppie Love, Shelly Cove, Lenox, Spode, Kelly Waters, the sak, SakRoots and Old World Christmas as well as independent and local favs like Citizen Pride, Tussie Mussies, and Thompson Ferrier. As a handcrafter of custom picture framing with a 30 year background as well as wedding and event makeup services, our selection is broad. We have frames from Larson Juhl, Gryphon Moulding, Bella Moulding, and Direct Moulding to name a few.

Whether you’re looking for a gift, clothing, a frame, Christmas ornament, skincare, fragrance, home fragrance including candles, or jewelry we will surely have you covered. Your gift giving, unique, one-of-a-kind, best selection, didn’t expect this here, best customer service, boutique with a purpose, home accessories, and much more than a store…STORE!